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The Department headed by a Director is saddled with responsibility, of carrying out of procedures by which plans, programs and targets are laid down and communicated and the process of activities checked with performance of executive duties.  It carries out policies or decisions to fulfill the mandate and controls the day to day running of the Institute.  Other staff include Deputy Directors, Administrative Officers, Medical Professionals, Accountants, Pension Officers, Graphic Artists, Artisans, Executive Officers, Clerical Officers, Transport Officers etc.


To provide excellent Human Resources Management and Administrative support services for Research and Development to thrive in the Institute.


To contribute immensely through manpower provision, motivation and development for the actualization of the Institute’s mandate.


·        Formulate, execute, review and ensure compliance to Policies and rules of the Institute;

·        Organize and execute Policy matters as may be directed by the Director General;

·        Conduct recruitment, promotion, training and discipline of staff;

·        Interpret the Scheme of Service and Public Service Rules

·        Keep personnel, official and service records of staff through registry;

·        Supervise of the Institute’s Clinic;

·        Enhance work environment for efficiency;

·        Administer circulars and memos;

·        Offer Secretarial services to Governing Board, Committee of Directors, Management Committees and Meetings;

·        Undertake administrative/management roles for the Institute;

·        Pension matters

·        Advise the Director General and Departments on administration matters; and

·        Any ad-hoc functions assigned by the Director General/Chief Executive Officer.


The Department is structured into three (3) Divisions; namely

·        Appointment and Promotion

·        Staff Welfare, Discipline & Pension

·        Training and Manpower Development

The sections/units under the Department are:

·        Staff Clinic

·        Establishment

·        Transport

·        Printing and Binding

·        Guest Chalet

·        Stores

·        Supplies


The Department also oversees the affairs of the following units in the Director-General’s Office. 

  • Protocol/Public Relations
  • Servicom



APPOINTMENT AND PROMOTION DIVISION:  The Division is responsible for the following activities:

  • Manpower Planning
  • Appointment into various vacant positions
  • Preparation & Conduct of both Senior and Junior Staff Promotion Interview
  • Processing request for upgrade, conversion and advancement
  • Confirmation of appointment of staff on probation
  • Deployment and redeployment of staff for effective utilization of manpower
  • Preparation of Variation Advice.


STAFF WELFARE, DISCIPLINE AND PENSION:  This Division is charged with the responsibility of overseeing all matters relating to the general welfare cum well being of staff under a coordinated atmosphere of discipline required to engender productivity in the work place.

The functions of the Staff Welfare, Discipline and Pension Division stand out to ventilate the Institute’s vision as  an organization that cares for its members within the provision of the Public Service Rules and Regulations, viz;

·        Disciplinary case:  General inefficient/misconduct;

·        Management of processes and procedures of retirement from service;

·        Interpretation, and implementation of Scheme of Service, Circulars and the Public Service Rules as it affect staff welfare

·        Interpretation and implementation of circulars, memos and other public policies of government

·        Medical, Transportation, Environmental, Safety and Security services.

·        Processing monthly payment for staff through e-payment platforms as well as keep retirees memoranda /pensioners register and updating the various PFAs for further  processing of retirees benefits.


PENSION:  The Pension Unit is directly responsible for:

·        Processing and payment of monthly pension to Pensioners;

·        Keeping and updating pension financial records;

·        Custody of retirees’ personal and official records;

·        Monitoring of pensioners Life Insurance Policy;

·        Liaising with the various PFAs for retirees benefits;

·        Custody and upgrading serving officers records to ensure they are registered with PFAs of their choice;

·        Periodical review of staff records in order to ensure their registration with Pension Fund Administrators of their choice.

·        Organizing staff forum and seminars for intending retirees to enlighten them on the retirement options (Programmed Withdrawal and Annuity method); and

·        Education of staff on pension matters, application of relevant circulars.



  • The Division is responsible for training and re-training of staff in the Institute both in-house training and those outside the Institute.  It is also the responsibility of the division to advise and also convey Management’s approval or disapproval on study leave, days release, conferences, seminars etc.
  • It sources for training opportunities for staff
  • Coordinates the student Industrial Work Experience Scheme for undergraduates.
  • Conducts induction and orientation exercise for newly employed staff on general conduct and Public Service Rules, etc
  • Formulate training policy in line with government guidelines
  • Advise Management on training and re-training of staff




Ag. Director of Human Resources Management & Administration Department

Phone No:- +2348027171775

e-Mail:- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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