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The profile of the three sections in the Division are as follows:


The FIIRO Library is a Special Library established in 1957 out of the necessity to provide information support to research and development activities of the institute. FIIRO was quick to realize that the accomplishment of its mandate would not be possible without effective and efficient information support and more so with technology and industry where availability of information determines the rate of industrialization. 

The library today is a section under the Library and Documentation Division directly reporting to the directorate of Planning, Technology Transfer and Information Management. It is saddled with the responsibilities of providing expertise Information flow to her parent body (i.e. FIIRO), industries, tertiary and government Institutions. In a bid to achieve the above, scientific, technical, economic administrative information materials are acquired and processed to enhance accessibility and use.

Library Resources

Resources in the Section are Books, Journals, Abstracts, Directories, Standards, Trade Catalogues, Photographs and Video recordings, Research Reports, Technical Memoranda, Seminar Papers, Industrial Profiles and other Publications of her parent body (FIIRO) with Librarians that processes these materials.

The division has its mission and vision statement as follows.


To be an information dissemination gateway in support of research and development activities for technological advancement.


To be a reputable centre in the management of scientific and technical information for public and private organization towards the development of the national economy.

The section however comprises of four Units, Namely

  • Collection Development Unit           
  • Circulation Unit
  • Serial Unit
  • Audio visual Unit

Functions of the Units

Collection DevelopmentUnit: this unit performs a cluster of activities that together Shapes the library holdings.These include Selection of materials for acquisition, Placing of Order on Management approval of selected materials, checking of arrivals against order list, Stamping, accessioning, cataloguing and classification, preparation of catalogue cards.

Circulation Units: this is the image maker of the library. It is the first point of call to any visit to the library. The unit coordinates the day- to- day activities targeted towards the library users. The activities among others include checking clientele in and out of the library, users Registration, Loan services, collating of daily statistics of library use, and promotion and sale of the Institute’s publications.

Serial Unit: this unit is in charge of all serial publications - journals, abstracts, newspapers, magazines etc.

Serial publications are occasional publication in print or non- print, issued in successive parts, usually having numerical or chronological designation and intended to continue indefinitely. It could be published daily, weekly, monthly,bimonthly, quarterly and yearly.

Audio Visual Unit: The unit is responsible for recording of video and photograph taking of the Institute events.  The final processing also rests on the unit. It is also charged with the responsibility of operating projectors during divisional seminars and official events outside the Institute. Storage and maintenance of all audio visual materials is her responsibility.

  • Selection, acquisition and processing of Scientific and Technical information Materials in support of Research and development
  • Proper arrangements of Library stock through weekly shelving and shelf reading
  • Acquisition, scanning and documentation of relevant articles in the daily newspapers in line with the Institute’s mandate as alerting services
  • Registration of library users
  • Providing Loan services to users with particular reference to members of staff
  • Assisting users to source for information materials among the library stock
  • Attending to inquiries from Users – staff, students and Entrepreneurs
  • Control and management of FIIRO publication for reference purposes and other official needs – research reports, technical memoranda, Annual reports, seminar papers e.t.c
  • Sales of Fiiro Publications
  • In-house repair of some tattered books
  • Photocopying Services
  • Provision of audio visual services to the Institute during functions  within and outside
  • Lecture delivery on industrial information during technology transfer programme of  the institute
  • Libplus Management
  • Providing tailored information to scientist and other clients through available sources of information – (SDI – Selective dissemination of information.


The Documentation Section was created to develop and provide services that improve access to information required by researchers/technologists to work productively and cost effectively. The section was also given the mandate to handle the publishing activities of the Institute, and provide information to industrialists, entrepreneurs, and researchers from external organizations.

  • To achieve these goals, the following objectives have been established:
  • To provide question and answer service: disseminating information sourced through various means including the Internet.
  • To publish retrospective and current bibliographies and bibliographical reviews on projects of high priority to the Institute.
  • To develop computerized databases and acquire those developed elsewhere on subjects pertinent to the Institute’s research projects.
  • To Edit/proof read and publish the reports from the researchers and gather information to write up and publish other Institute publications.


The activities of the section are:

1. Dissemination of information to research officers to facilitate their research works using various tools including the World Wide Web.

2. Editing and publishing of Research Reports, and other corporate publications such as the Institute’s brochure, and corporate profile.

3. Compilation of bibliographies on literature relevant to research officers’ projects

4. Lecturing FIIRO workshop participants on methods of information garnering and the importance and use of the Library as well as the World Wide Web.

5. Research project: The Information Needs of Research Scientists at the Federal Institute of Industrial Research Oshodi (FIIRO) on internal and external projects.


FIIRO IPTTO was established in 2007. FIIRO IPTTO was established to foster Intellectual property rights awareness and also encourage researchers to protect their inventions through patenting.


To be leading intellectual property office recognized on excellence in our service and in strengthening FIIRO’s innovative capacity through effective management of intellectual property.


To facilitate and enhance the transfer of intellectual property between FIIRO and the global community by fostering the use of IP system and exploitation of IP information.  

Main Functions

  • Education and training.
  • Administration of IP including the activities relating to registration of Patents, trademarks, industrial designs and any IP generated in the course of FIIRO research.
  • Collection and dissemination of IP information.
  • Promotion of awareness on the subject of IP


1. Intellectual Property Audit (IP Audit) – This is to identify existing IP potentials from research reports/results for future commercialization and to identify the current research practices vs. best IP practices.

2. Patent Searches - Searching for technology information using patent documents. Patent information is made available to the public through a variety of databases.

3. Follow up on pending patent Applications

4. Patent applications.

5Editing Patent Applications

6. Sensitization of Researchers on IP.

7. FIIRO Training workshop.

8. Renewal of Patents

9. Quarterly Training workshop on patent search and drafting.

10. Publication of IP Awareness bulletin




Deputy Director (Library, Documentation & IPTTO Division)

Planning Technology Transfer Information Management Department,

BSc, Chemistry, University of Ibadan

MLS, Masters in Library Archival & Information Studies, University of Ibadan

MIP, Masters in Intellectual Property, Africa University, Zimbabwe

e-mail: folake.daviesThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; folakedaviesThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone No: 08171313399

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