The department was set up with the mandate of providing the needed vital prototype equipment and plant requirements for transforming the laboratory research results of FIIRO into a total package, ready-to-invest form for entrepreneurs and investors/industrialists. Thus, the Project Development and Design Department undertakes R&D activities in the design and fabrication of prototype equipment, establishment of production process lines/pilot plant commercialization of research results as well as materials and metallurgical processing.
In addition, the department engages in settling up industrial as well as pilot plant production lines to serve as incubation centers for various technologies developed not only by FIIRO but also other stakeholders involved in industrial and technological research.
To conduct sustainable, applied and adaptive research and development to produce equipment prototypes, processes and product development with scale - up capacities and innovative technologies.
To perfect the adaptive and innovative technology of equipment prototyping as proven strategy for cottage, small and medium scale machinery development and production in Nigeria and remain the centre of excellence for machinery development for industrialization
PDD Research Project
The PDD Department comprises of five divisions and several sections and units:
1. Fabrication Technology Division
2. Materials Development and Metallurgy Division
3. Project and Process Development Division
4. Prototype Equipment Design and Specifications Division
5. Works and Services Division
Current Research Projects
- Solid State Fermentor – for the Ogiri sediment
- Grain Washer
- Tapioca Roaster
- Cowpea dehuller
- Cassava Peeling Machine
- Rotary Dryer
- Vibro-energy Sieve Separator
- Tapioca Roaster
- Electroplating Rectifier
- Clay-based Roofing Tiles (Developed from local raw materials)
- Design and fabrication of Hydro cyclone
- Development and production of Tempered Glass for solar panels from local raw materials
- Design and fabrication of Rotary Dryer.
- Pilot plant production of glucose syrup
- Development of zeolite dryer for vegetables.
- Development of foundry crucible pots from local raw materials.
- Fabrication of motorized cassava processing units(MOCAPI)
- Development of motorized cold room facility for tomatoes.
- Development of yam slicer.
- Fabrication of motorized cashew nut cracker
Developed Technologies
- Small-scale cassava processing plant,
- Small-scale flour mill
- Instant pounded yam flour and bean flour plant.
- Reactor for the production of gum and adhesives from Arabic and cassava starch, respectively.
- Ginger roots slicer, peeler and dryer.
- Sorghum malting plant.
- Groundnut processing plant
- Grain destoner.
- Dehuller, ferment or and dryer for soy-dawadawa processing.
- Benniseed dehuller and oil press.
- Okra slicer and dryer.
- Solar dryer for fruits and vegetables.
- Fish smoking kiln
- Pilot plant development and production of Ceramic Glaze
- Soap production plant (small and medium scale).
- Sugar cane crusher and juicer.
- Electroplating plant (including rectifier and barrel).
- Foundry furnace.
- Hydraulic press
- Ceramic glazes
- Electrical porcelain insulator
- Laboratory Bunsen burners
- Biogas digester
- Palm wine preservation and bottling plant
- Oil expeller
- Distillation equipment
- Lime kiln
- Automatic weighing and dispensing machine.
- Dyeing jig.
- Extrusion cooker.
- Cassava pelletizer and chipping machine.
- Cabinet tray Dryer.
PhD in Mechanical Engineering
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical/Production Engineering
Professional Bodies
- Registered Engineer, Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN)
- Member Nigerian Society of Engineers (M.N.S.E.)
- Nigerian Institute of Mechanical Engineers (NIMechE)
E-mail: onu.livinusThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; onu_livinusThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.m
Phone No :+234-8066458150