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MOCAPI unit is a mechanization project meant to upgrade production of gari at cottage level it targeted women processors in the rural areas who do not have access to improved processing methods and equipment.

The idea for a mobile cassava-processing unit as service support for women engaged in the cassava sector was born during a study tour in Oyo and Ogun Sate, Nigeria in 2017.

Major findings were that the level of technology used by the women at cottage level does not allow expansion to more profitable markets and low efficiency in some of the processes leads to low margins. Women also usually lack capital to invest in technology in order to enhance their production.

By bundling some of the machinery necessary to upgrade the processing at cottage level to one mobile unit, MOCAPI will actually create a new job profile of a service provider in the cassava sector.

The project is a cooperation partnership between the Nigerian Government, notably the Federal Institute of Industrial Research Oshodi FIIRO, GIZ Nigeria on behalf of the German Government and Robert Bosch Ltd., Nigeria. All three parties align their specific contributions to the project based on agreed activities.

The approach followed is to specifically mechanize those processes where, with little technical input, a maximum of increased efficiency and quality improvement can be reached. By renting the mobile services, women can easily incorporate the new technology into their individual processes while still being attached to their own households.

FIIRO was involved in the area of design, fabrication and assembly of the grater, hammer mill, cassava mash press and the towing cart while Bosch provided the Sealing machine. All the machineries were packed into an Indian made tricycle.

Objective: with the goal of transforming the cassava value chain and fostering the inclusion of marginalized women, GIZ Green Innovation Centre (GIAE), Bosch and Federal Institute of Industrial Research Oshodi (FIIRO) have formed a partnership aiming to:

  • Improve stationary processes as grating and pressing
  • Implement hygienic and sustainable packaging
  • Improve business skills, diversify product lines and strengthen women and cooperatives.

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