

Bread is an age-long product and a staple food prepared principally by baking dough of flour. Bread is a food product that is universally accepted as a very convenient form of food that has desirability to all population both the rich and the   poor, rural and urban. Bread can be classified into different types depending on the recipe. Basically, we have the following types of bread:

The Plain (White) Bread: This is the normal or the most common bread in the market.  It accounts for over 90% of the bread available in the market.  It is devoid of additives such as milk, eggs, fruits etc.  It is usually sweet, dense and rectangular in shape (spherical shapes are also found in the market).

The Rich Bread: This bread usually contains additives such as egg, milk, fruits, etc. and generally of lower sugar content than plain bread.  They come in different shapes including spherical shapes which are called bread buns or rolls.  When fancifully decorated, they are called fancy bread.

Brown Bread: They are made from 100% whole-wheat flour or mixture of whole-wheat flour and white flour.  The presence of wheat bran impacts a brownish colour, hence they are called brown bread.

Composite Bread: This bread made from composite flour i.e. a blend of flours e.g.  Cassava-wheat composite flour to bake cassava bread.




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