

The Neem tree was a symbol of health. As a Beauty Treatment, the Neem was the mainstay of the herbal beauty tradition. The Neem proved an invaluable source of health, hygiene and beauty that was freely available. The antiseptic properties of Neem leaf extracts helped in controlling pimples and acne. Neem Based lotion and Skin Care products use the healing properties of Neem to restore healthy skin to those suffering from eczema, psoriasis, acne or dry skin. We get our Neem raw goods from Mauritania, West Africa. Neem Based lotion can be used in the treatment of dry skin, wrinkles, skin ulcers, itching skin, redness of eczema. It also reduces inflammation, even inflammation produced/caused by Acne. Neem lotion can be applied to solve the following skin problems; Acne, scabies, psoriasis, ringworm, preventing infections and ulcers, skin problems in pets.


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